What Can You See From This Man?
There is many first and stories in this historical election to be told for many generations to come.But,there's this lady that particularly stood out from my mind since I heard the victory speech from our president-elect Barack Obama.Ann Nixon Cooper who was from Atlanta cast her ballot early this week,she is no different from millions of voters lining up in churches or school to make their voice heard in this election.One thing that is different for Ann Nixon Cooper is the fact she is 106 years old
She was just born after the abolishment of slavery,the time where cars are not on the road and planes aren't visible in the sky.Women can't even reached out their voice to the power and authority.People are segregrating each other by two simple factors.Our very own skin colours and a grudge towards female.It's in fact a world very much covered in darkness.
At a time when there was despair in the dust bowl and The Great Depression is across the land,an emergence of a program named A New Deal by President Franklin D. Roosevelt saved people from poverty.She was there
At a time when bombs fell on the Pearl Harbour and kamikaze threathen the world,people around the world is suffering and moaning.A generation of braves saved the world and we saw a victory in democracy.She was there
At a time when a wall in Berlin symbolize discrimination and segregation was tore down,and President Ronald Reagan gave a speech that it will remain in history as long as history books exist.She was there
At a time when the incident of 9/11 happens,thousands of americans ended the day with tears and despair,their hearts was devastated.We saw a rise of terrorism and a task for us to defeat it.She was there
And at a time,having witness so many changes the course of world history,she believes that there are still changes in the world and her last wish is to see an African-American become the leader of the oval office,the beacon of America,the President Of The United States,and she got her wish fulfilled.
How I wish I could have many years of years to come,to able to witness the change that will took place in this world.I have faith the if we people,segragate from cynism and doubt,we would able to stand together and work for that change.When there was a time,blacks are treated as slave,apartheid is being praticed in south africa.It took a freedom fighter from Johannesburgh to fight for their freedom,it took almost his whole year of life to completely defeat the practice of apartheid
I believe that American has spoken,indeed they had spoken out clearly.They need a change,a change that will indeed inherent the dreams from their forefathers and founders.Bound by two wars,constant nuclear crisis with Iran,and the worst ever financial crisis since century.Perharps Obama has a lot to do if he is gonna fix America to the way it was,but he is not alone.The nomination of a black president signifies that the country that was once divided is no more.Democracts,Republicans,Whites,Blacks,Asians,Native American,Woman,Man are all in this together.They are all on this big ark together and make no mistakes you hold the significance on which way will this ark will go.
Abraham Lincoln once said that 'We are not enemies by friends,though passion may have strained it must not break the bond of our affection.'
I'm seriously joyful about the outcome of the election and I hope he will have all the supports he need to change the world a better place,after all something just attracts me when I first knew about you 21 months ago,and you have the kind of aura flowing out from you that intrigued me.God and destiny may not brought us together and serve in the same country,but our ideals are the same.The world is quite a hard place to change if you are fighting alone,but God created many of us,so we could work together and continue to fight for what we and God believe is right.
~President Obama,maybe both of our fate failed to intertwined each other,but not our idealism.Seeing you succeed as a president will probably boost my confidence and give such comfort that I can't find anywhere else.I believe every single promise,speech and word you utter in your rallies,conventions and interviews,and I have unbreakable faith that you will fulfill what had been promised.From the first speech I heard from you through CNN,I believe you are somebody that will help America propel to next level and is inevitable you will become commander-in-chief of the most powerful country in the world.I sincerely pray for your success on recovering the economy of America and may God and the people of America be your center pillar of your life whichever important decision you made in your life.
~From Someone That Is Earning His Right To Become A People-Lawyer Just Like You
She was just born after the abolishment of slavery,the time where cars are not on the road and planes aren't visible in the sky.Women can't even reached out their voice to the power and authority.People are segregrating each other by two simple factors.Our very own skin colours and a grudge towards female.It's in fact a world very much covered in darkness.
At a time when there was despair in the dust bowl and The Great Depression is across the land,an emergence of a program named A New Deal by President Franklin D. Roosevelt saved people from poverty.She was there
At a time when bombs fell on the Pearl Harbour and kamikaze threathen the world,people around the world is suffering and moaning.A generation of braves saved the world and we saw a victory in democracy.She was there
At a time when a wall in Berlin symbolize discrimination and segregation was tore down,and President Ronald Reagan gave a speech that it will remain in history as long as history books exist.She was there
At a time when the incident of 9/11 happens,thousands of americans ended the day with tears and despair,their hearts was devastated.We saw a rise of terrorism and a task for us to defeat it.She was there
And at a time,having witness so many changes the course of world history,she believes that there are still changes in the world and her last wish is to see an African-American become the leader of the oval office,the beacon of America,the President Of The United States,and she got her wish fulfilled.
How I wish I could have many years of years to come,to able to witness the change that will took place in this world.I have faith the if we people,segragate from cynism and doubt,we would able to stand together and work for that change.When there was a time,blacks are treated as slave,apartheid is being praticed in south africa.It took a freedom fighter from Johannesburgh to fight for their freedom,it took almost his whole year of life to completely defeat the practice of apartheid
I believe that American has spoken,indeed they had spoken out clearly.They need a change,a change that will indeed inherent the dreams from their forefathers and founders.Bound by two wars,constant nuclear crisis with Iran,and the worst ever financial crisis since century.Perharps Obama has a lot to do if he is gonna fix America to the way it was,but he is not alone.The nomination of a black president signifies that the country that was once divided is no more.Democracts,Republicans,Whites,Blacks,Asians,Native American,Woman,Man are all in this together.They are all on this big ark together and make no mistakes you hold the significance on which way will this ark will go.
Abraham Lincoln once said that 'We are not enemies by friends,though passion may have strained it must not break the bond of our affection.'
I'm seriously joyful about the outcome of the election and I hope he will have all the supports he need to change the world a better place,after all something just attracts me when I first knew about you 21 months ago,and you have the kind of aura flowing out from you that intrigued me.God and destiny may not brought us together and serve in the same country,but our ideals are the same.The world is quite a hard place to change if you are fighting alone,but God created many of us,so we could work together and continue to fight for what we and God believe is right.
~President Obama,maybe both of our fate failed to intertwined each other,but not our idealism.Seeing you succeed as a president will probably boost my confidence and give such comfort that I can't find anywhere else.I believe every single promise,speech and word you utter in your rallies,conventions and interviews,and I have unbreakable faith that you will fulfill what had been promised.From the first speech I heard from you through CNN,I believe you are somebody that will help America propel to next level and is inevitable you will become commander-in-chief of the most powerful country in the world.I sincerely pray for your success on recovering the economy of America and may God and the people of America be your center pillar of your life whichever important decision you made in your life.
~From Someone That Is Earning His Right To Become A People-Lawyer Just Like You
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