Love Conquers All
Forever You My Girl
Forever You My World
14th of December 2009
The story continues on.
But,right now my blog is the only listening ear I could find.
Sorry for making you felt that way,
I absolutely have no ideas I could hurt that precious heart of yours.
Take care,guess we won't be seeing each other for a while,and for the time being,I will miss you.
A Kiss That I Never Wanna Miss
Cause You Should Be My Lady
I'm worry that you might notice my feelings,
which you already did.I get scared,
The wedding dress you once wore
I'm Barely Holding Onto You

She Is Falling Into History
I always believe words and songs are the best way to change people lives.I write endlessly,to see people around have a shot in his life,rather than conforming to the social standards.I wanted those I cared to be different,to be a positive examplatory figure which everyone would find joy in knowing them.
I serenade,to witness the joy of others.The satisfaction manifests through their smile is a mesmerizer to my heart.What matters the most is the intention of the singer.As long as they see joy in the eyes of their spectators.
Till a point,where people forget about the existence of your love.Pictures are the only best proof that you two indeed shared a bond together.That is history.
The Most Precious Thing You Have Given Is You,Yourself.
To The World You Maybe The One Person,But To KC You Are The World To Him.

I may left out most of my good friends,but you know who you are,and believe it or not that you all are as important as them.
Letting Go Is A Means Of Bringing You Back
On a completely unrelated note,taylors' dudes are having their A2 soon.The sky will be angry wtih me if I don't ever wish them luck,or do they need any these external aids.
To Lik,Sophia,Jun Xian,Daniel Ho and Jic Key.
To A Person That I Don't See Often
Dead Rose Blooms In My Backyard
Lines,Vines And Trying Times
Price Of Freedom
Crash And Burn
I will be more than willing to sleep through all days,go all out on a journey,step the pedal as hard as my hood could sustain,and be freed from the restriction.A place where I could call home,where worn out jeans are everywhere,and CDs are all over my desk,and pictures of my dear ones are all around me.To be precise,I want my own personal place.I felt that people around me are edging me out,till a point they compel me till a point where I have no space to breathe anymore.
As I went college,different people that I met everyday.I felt that all my principles are being put on a test.Talking about to do whatever that floats my boat,I'm more like comprising myself to be compatible with different individual's stance.I'm tired of life actually,I wished someone that fully comprehend me could just poped up right now,and we will talk till day never meets night.
Its weird sometimes.Nowadays,people are so used to the word LOVE,as they can get on to relationship with anyone in anywhere at anytime and end it like a swift.Do you really mean it when you utter those 3 special words to that angel of yours at that time,or it is sudden infatuation that force you to it.Adding on to that,or are you just afraid of being alone,and you need some company and that so called "angel" of yours just happened to be in the right place at the right time?
I believe in the divine meaning of love,and people should appreciate in this ever changing world,they are able to find someone they truly love and being love in reply.That is the one and only reason why people should be together.Instead people find grounds to escape from love,they tend to blame and hurt others,it doesnt even matter if she/he is the one you loved before.When it comes to this kind of situation,you side with yourself more than your supposingly other half,to be in love is to be selfless towards each other.I can't said that you are selfish,which almost everybody is practicing now,but you are just idiotic in KC's eyes.Your failure to prevent tears rolling out from your loved one eyes,the excruciating pain that she/he has to endure just to reveice your one text that only worth a single penny,the irresistable desire to talk to you when you are just beside him/her,and with that cold heart you possesed,replied him/her with that obnoxious face of yours.
Remember those days when you were so much in love with her,you would go as far to a point that you are willing to sacrifice everything for her,just that she could dance with you gracefully on the dancefloor named LOVE.God never gives up people who don't gives up,in the end,you finally got what you crave the most,which is her love to you.I bet you must be feeling on top of the world right at that time,the indescripable joy you possessed which failed to contained inside that little heart of yours,I bet my tears will come out when I get the chance to witness it.Those are the tears of joy,from a guy who thinks like you.
There were good times in your relationship,but sadly bad times overweighed it.You did everything you could,but she is too difficult to compromise,and situation all around you obviously was not on your side.Yes,you gave up what you wanted the most.You chose to run away from that dancefloor,a dancefloor where obviously has its potential to grow.You ran without a single explaination,nor a single world,which left spectators like us very much in question and discretion.She was left alone on that dancefloor.A dancefloor where both of you had the best times of your life.I can see she is acting,trying to be cheerful.But its an act which fails to do its job.Deep in her heart,she felt lonely,truth is that,shes wants you back on the dancefloor and contunue the flow of the story between she and you.She is still dancing hard on the dancefloor,trying to win your heart back just like what you did to win hers last time.Its a dance so beautiful and mesmerizing,but as she sway that ever dazzling body of hers,tears continue to be visible around her.As nice as the move can be,its a depressing dance.A sight which all of us are not enjoying.Tears flowing out as I was watching her.Those are tears of sadness,where I couldn't protect those that I care.
To my friends who are attached,
Love isn't about becoming somebody else's perfect person.
It's about finding someone who makes you the best person you could be.
To my friends who are heartbroken,
Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut as deep as you allow them to go,
The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them.
To my friends and me who are afraid to confess,
Love hurts when you breakup with someone.
It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you.
But love hurts the most when the person you know has no idea how you feel.
To my friends who are still holding on,
A sad thing about life is when you meet someone and fall in love,
Only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and that you have wasted years on someone who wasn't worth it.If he isn't worth it now he's not going to be worth it a year or 10 years from now.
Let go.
I thanked most of my friends who making me become who am I now.You all made my life propel to another level and Im glad that we can become good friends,and I hoped that we will continue our journey for as long time can counts.
Still Around
Two Worlds
I absolutely adore this song,and Tarzan and Hercules is always my favourite all time classic Disney movie.Enjoy your day,folks.
Sometime,you just need to turn back time till when you are young,when there are no rain in the sky,rainbow is 24/7.
Starting Over
Foolish Love
I'm trying to forget your touch now.
Why did you have to be like that.
I can't believe it,in the end it have to come to this.
I'm trying to find my life now.
I'm trying to meet my friends now.
You obviously lied,
And like a fool,
I always thought that it was true
Can you please take away all the memories you have made,
I will take them and burn it away.
The Best Day.
~Friend Is A Person With Whom I May Be Sincere. Before Him I May Think Aloud~
Btw,details and pictures of the party is located in http://www.leannewen.blogspot.com/.
Kiss To Bid Goodbye
Life After You
I had this so called the most challenging task in my life of A-levels so far.Yea,the freaking mock exam of law,and to be honest I can't remember a single thing I studied just now.It only furthers demotivate me to depart from those mountain-like notes.
Well,maybe I give it a rest for today,still I have two more days left to redeem myself before the actual D-day arrives,but,tomorrow is LAN day and I have to stay till 7.Nah,screwed it laaaa.
Going back ipoh next week with the three weeks holiday,but still clueless with the freak exam?
Well,time to Big Bang I guess.
Chua Chong Aun Is So Handsome
Not gonna blog about the craziest saturday I just had in my life so far.But,still there are always grounds remain for me to search,and I found two important perspective that could quite change the way I'm dealing with both friendship and love.To my surprise,the views are derived from two important quotes that I picked up from two good friends.
I went in to the shop and found lots of stuffs to buy for you,but when I saw what I'm holding now at that point of time,I told myself,this is the present I'm getting for you,and it is the reason I'm not eating rice in the following month.
Honestly what kept us from holding us together is trust,having faith and honesty.
Yea,last but not least.Happy 19th Birthday to our beloved Bobo.May what you planned for go right on your course!
Why you so obssesed with me?Boy,I wanna know.
It's because in your simplicity,I find everything that I need.
Boy,why you so obssesed with me?
Your eyes that make me gaze,your lips that make me swayed.
Take me away from all this,
I would continue to miss you,even though I know it doesn't even floats my boat.
which contradict my way of living life.
But,She Is At The Borderline
I find that most of the time,I'm saying things that contradict with my personality.
I always claim that I'm a straightforward person,but truth is that I have been hiding everything in front of you.
I told my peep I'm on the halfway,but reality is that I haven't even journey myself yet.
I told people faint heart never won fair lady,look who's talking now?
But as always,
I would cross the bridge,just you and I
I would fly to sky,for you and I
All crap...
I'm Meeting Her Halfway

Jetfire Leader Class

These two are my most sought after merchandise thesedays,I lost out a chance to pick up for myself the ironhide the other day.A regret that is still traumatizing me.Hopefully,this weekend i will be able to collect these two freaking sexy figures in time,and Human Alliance Sideswipe.haha.I can't afford to miss that too.
Back to life,HELP is the real deal to study.I felt that after going into college.I'm propelling both academically and spiritually.All thanks to bunch of good peeps I know in there.I just wanna said thank you to ya all,you cheered me up,make me got out from the past and most importantly, we have fun together!
Meet Me Halfway Beautiful

Every single day yes, I'm really losing gazing missing' you
And all those things we use to use to use to do
Hey girl, whats up, it use to be just me and you.
So I would say,can you meet me halfway.
Meet Me Halfway-Black Eyed Peas
You Got Me
When you're around.
It's like zero gravity.
The world just disappears when you're here,
It's zero gravity.
When things get messed up,
You lift my head up,
I get lost in the clouds.
There's no sense of time with you and I,
It's zero gravity.
Its beautiful when I'm with you,I wish those times would have last forever.Crashing the skies with you,in Zero Gravity
Slow Rain Sends My Last Words To You
Love Song For No One
You Are Better Off Yourself
Did you think that I was gonna give it up to you, this time?
Did you think that it was somethin I was gonna do and cry?
Don't try to tell me what to do,
Dont try to tell me what to say,
You're better off that way
Don't think that your charm and the fact that your arm is now around my neck.
Will get you in my pants I'll have to kick your ass and make you never forget.
I'm gonna ask you to stop, thought I liked you a lot, but I'm really upset.
Get out of my head and get off of my bed.
Did I not tell you that I'm not like that boy, the one who, throws it all away.
This guilty trip would not harm me cause I have done no wrong.
The song suits our scenario PERFECTLY
You were once my best damn thing,but where are you now?
I had a unpublished post,which I'm still figuring whether I should post it.Maybe it's time to have a change,truth is that we can never be the same anymore.
If Nan was here,to tell me all the gossips and Ipoh happenings.
If San was here,to cheer me up whether I'm in good mood or bad mood.
They are all in Ipoh now and I missed all of them.Nah,I made my decision,and it stands firm from the moment I made it.
Until You
Transformer's frenzy is back again,this time it hits me even harder.I felt like spending all my money solely on Megatron And Optimus Prime.Well,If I ever cashed in those sexy toys.I would be eating honey stars in college until August.So yea,my conscience prevented me from getting those figures.Still,it's a decision I regretted.
Thesedays,I found it hard to find someone that has the same interest with me,except Lik.For example,collecting Transformer's figures.Before I know him,I thought I was the only one who is still toying and craving with figures and models.People tend to develop a kind of mentality that toys are meant for kids.Well,I would conclude them as conservative.Lucas said I have weird interest,whatever!
By the way,don't get me Bumblebee and Fallen,I owned it already.(This statement is reserved to mum and dad,if they ever visit my blog.)
It Feels Like Nobody Ever Knew Me,Until You Knew Me,
It Feels Like Nobody Ever Love Me,Until You Love Me,
It Feels Like Nobody Ever Touch Me,Until You Touch Me,
Baby,There's Nobody,Until You
Monochrome World
everything in the past is like never fading aways.
Never knew that love could come and go just like that,
waiting for you day and night in my dreams.
Summer flow in the night, take a flight and glow,
That's forever love
Only you are missing,
the world is so colourless now.
The depth of the damage is beyond definition,
those lips of the day are still warm in my cheek.
But even if I'm keep remembering them,
I'm at loss at what I supposed to do.
She Can't Sees The Smiles I'm Faking
I have been fighting,screaming and kissing in the rain,and that's the way I love you.
Why do I have these strange feelings of falling in love again,the emptiness of missing someone,the sorrow of not seeing her.
I failed to comprehend all that,perharps love already put its hand on my shoulder,again.
If she only ever sees me as a different person..
Fight For Love
Cause I cant keep on,
feeling the way I do
I cant keep on,
Hiding my heart from you
I gotta say something before
Someone else comes through
I cant keep on